
The Busy Weekend

This weekend was crazy busy. I bused it down to Corvallis late Friday night to do a shoot with good friend Andrew. The original intent was take pictures that night, but the bus ran an hour late. We resolved to shoot Saturday morning.

Four hours later, Ben, Andrew and I ventured to Bald Hill to watch the sunrise. I haven’t seen one in forever; it was magical. The sunlight glows along the mountain line in the distance, and then – pop! – light punches through and everything glows golds and reds. Dramatic, really.

Afterwards: breakfast and photos. Bus it back to Portland. I shot my first event for a project on the downtown Portland church, Solid Rock, on Saturday.

Sunday’s been catch-up. Olympics hockey. Dinner with a friend. Sorting and editing. (Will post photos of Andrew and Solid Rock soon. They’re good: stay tuned.)

Greyhound Station, Corvallis, OR.
Andrew and Ben watch a sunrise in a field below Bald Hill.
Ben plays guitar in the Annex dining room. He came to Corvallis for the weekend.
Ben and Cory watch the final hockey round in the 2010 Winter Olympics. (What a game!)
Interstate 84 passes through the heart of Portland, OR.

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